Original Poetry Chapbook
The poems in The Shapes Our Tongues Maketrack how I gradually became disillusioned with my life in America while falling madly, desperately, hopelessly in love with my birth city of Budapest.
“There’s a version in which I never learned
your taste, and versions, out there, far too many
to track, too many images to superimpose
on one another, versions in which Hungary
never became anything more to me than a word
on my birth certificate, and I glide
into a quiet American suburban life
in which English never feels too full
in my mouth, and I am always at home
between a pickup truck and a 7-11.”
Physical copies shipped within the U.S. are on sale for $8 right now! Digital downloads are just $3.50!
My translation of the poetry chapbook Songs for 3:45 AM by Márton Simon published by The
Offending Adam.
"I’m glad I tucked you in. We’re equal, see,
if I were to subtract you from me, nothing would remain."

Bilingual poetry collection Írmag/Offspring by Kinga Tóth